News Archive

November 20, 2016 Eliminated a formatting display in 1st Kings.
In the first version of this website, screens and pixel resolutions were very small. This necessitated adding a notation of book and chapter to the beginning of each verse. Otherwise, where you were reading from could easily be lost. Subsequent advances in technology have negated the necessity for this notation, and it had been removed from the rest of the website, except, somehow, from this book. The notation of book and chapter have been removed from the beginning of each verse in 1st Kings for easier readability.
August 17, 2016 Corrected a formatting display error in the e-books index page.
August 8, 2016 Greek New Testament Concordance added!
For you study geeks out there, Now there is a Concordance of New Testament Greek. Admittedly, it is not much use unless you speak κοινη Greek, which I don't either. However, the list is the basis for being able to link all of the greek words to the strongs definitions and the verses to the english verses, and turning the list all unique greek words in the New Testament into a concordance was relatively easy. So here it is!
Thank you in advance for any donation of any amount

March 6, 2016 duplicate search results removed
For a while now the main search has produced double entries in the results to my complete bafflement. I replaced the search engine and had the same result. An investigation of the search results page source revealed the duplicate results were caused by the mobile site not being excluded. Those results are now excluded and that search is now functioning correctly.

March 5, 2016 Corrected duplicated chapter.
Somehow, afte all these years there are text errors. Replaced 1st Timothy 6, which I was informed was a duplicate of 1st Timothy 1, with the correct text. I appreciated the feedback.

February 1, 2016 Corrected D&C 110 missing menus and 3rd Nephi 5:102 spelling error.
It is amazing how little tiny errors can so affect performance. In this case The D&C missing menu was from a missing line of code and a misplaced tag.
Also, in 1st Nephi 5:102, although "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name" may have been technically correct, that heaven is hallowed by the name of God, it is not the original rendering, so it has been corrected to "hallowed be thy name"