News Archive
November 17, 2014 Modified Doctrine and Covenants Lectures Q&A verse notation
Modified the verse notation on the questions and answers sections of the Doctrine and Covenants Lectures for easier readability
November 4, 2014 Updated Doctrine and Covenants ebook
Some errors in the text of the Doctrine and Covenants have been pointed out. So the entire book has been re-checked and any errors corrected. The new edition can be found here, or at any time through the E-books link at the bottom of the main page.
November 1, 2014 Corrections in Matthew 2, Removed Tables of Contents links
Made corrections Matthew 2 english, adding more cross links to the greek and fixing broken links.
Also, in order to improve navagability on mobile devices, have removed links to the content pages which were in the left menus of the Old Testament. The Content pages are to quickly search each book, subject by subject, when you know it is there somewhere, but not exactly where. A better place to link them will have to be found.
October 28, 2014 Cross-linked Matthew 2
Cross-linked the Matthew 2 english and greek.
October 9, 2014 Tweaked interface
Shrank the width and increased the font size of the Previous/Next table at the bottom of the page.
September 14, 2014 Corrected spelling error in Mark 4:25
September 14, 2014 Linked Matthew 1 to greek definitions
One of the primry long term goals of this website is to link the Inspired Version english translation to the greek text. Looking at the meaning of the greek will help clarify the meaning of the text and differentiate where the inspired changes were made. This is the first fully linked chapter. I am looking at a different formatting for the next chapter and then requ3esting feedback which is more easily navigated.
July 1, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary updated and website outage
Linked Greek word inflections to a Greek New testament search. I am very sorry, however, the website will be down shortly until I can resolve some issues. Possibly a week. Send any inquiries to
June 16, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary updated
Uploaded Strong's Greek Dictionary changes to the website.
June 8, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary pronunciation guide changes
In order to distinguish the "ee" sound of ι (iota) from the "eye" sound of ει (epsilon iota) in pronunciation guide, all i's have been converted to ī where ει is indicated as the pronounced sound.
May 6, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary ε vs η error found.
Found an error where the computer incorrectly transliterated η (eta) to ε (epsilon). Finding places where η (eta) is indicated and correcting the errors.
May 5, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary ο vs ω formatting/editing completed.
In order to more easily distinguish between ο (omicron) and ω (omega) in pronunciation guides, all o's have beern converted to ō's when an ω (omega) is indicated as the pronounced letter.
May 3, 2014 offline
I have been informed that the account has been suspended. I apologize that financial challenges have allowed it to be suspended and prevented me from immediately bringing it back online.
March 10, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
In order to help differentiate between ο (omicron) and ω (omega) in pronunciation guides, I am converting o to ô in pronunciation guides where an ω (omega) is indicated as the pronounced letter.
March 8, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 3500-3599. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions.
March 5, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 3300-3499. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions. On a side note, I have completed the two week, twenty hour a day, working two full time jobs, transition into a new job.
February 16, 2014 Added ID's to Greek New Testament verses
Added a unique identifier to enable linking to any verse of the Greek New Testament.
February 10, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 3000-3099. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions. Corrected an error in the 3Scriptures search page wich led to a "404 Not Found".
February 9, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 2700-2999. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions.
February 4, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 2000-2799. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions.
February 3, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 1600-1999. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions.
January 28, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 1300-1599. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions.
January 27, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 0800-1299. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions.
January 26, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 0600-0799. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions.
January 23, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions for words 0100-0599. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions. Added padding to Inflection tables for readability. Corrected search link in Strongs Greek Dictionary. Removed Greek Word List from Dictionary and New Testament text searches. Changed ζ pronounciation sound's word.
January 19, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting/editing
Converted latin equivalents to greek letters in definitions. Added pronunciation guides [in brackets] to unlinked greek words in definitions. Corrected formatting of remainimg incorrectly displaying pages in Greek Dictionary.
January 18, 2014 Strong's Greek Dictionary formatting
Added cell borders to inflection tables. Added padding above and below definitions for better readability. Corrected formatting of some incorrectly displaying pages.
January 15, 2014 full upgrade to new format
As you can see, the new format is more rounded, fluid, and visually appealing. Additionally, upgrades to search engines produce more accurate results.
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