RLDS History
Volume 4 Chapter |
Table of Contents |
Chapter 1
From the Field - Death of Apostle Powers - European Conference - General Conference - Seventies - General Business - Comments - Europe - Important Changes - From the Field - Italy - Davies Returns
Encouraging Items - From Europe - Semiannual Conference - High Priests Ordained - Request Granted - Switzerland - Missions - Tracts - Mills Ordained - Comments - Europe - Exposition - European Conference - Steadfastness - Free Education - Briggs Locates - Society Islands
Society Islands - Polygamy - Missionaries Sail
Chapter 4
Seventies - Europe - Concentration - Avondet - Items - An Appeal - Pacific Slope - Help Afforded - Annual Conference - Pacific Slope Conference - Nebraska - I. Sheen's Death - From the Field - Finances - Items of News - California - Debate - Australia - J. T. Davies - D. H. Smith - A New Prophet - A Challenge
Nauvoo - Australia - Items of Interest - Semiannual Conference - Comments on California -
Chapter 6
New Year - Saluatation - Australia - Item - Historical - R. D. Foster - Debate - Fasting and Prayer - B. Young in Jail - Wandell's Death - Annual Conference - Pacific Slope Mission - Waggoner's Attack - Dedication - Favoritism - Debate - Denmark and Sweden - Trip East - Songs of Zion - Kelley Goes West
Martin Harris' Death - Persecution in Indiana - J. T. Davies - Australia - Sheldon's Attack - Hervey Green's Death - Debate - Denmark - Davies Returns - Australia - G. A. Smith Dies - Semiannual Conference - Reports - Financial - History - Parliamentary - Ordinations - Seventy - Location - Quorum Changes - Memorial - Baptisms - Missions - Order of Enoch - Seventy's Report - Pacific Slope - Utah Policy - Lamoni - Scandinavia - The South - A. H. Smith Returns - Hesperis
Chapter 8
Pacific Slope - Australia - England - Items - Pacific Slope Conference - Twelve - Fast Day - Book of Rules - Scandinavia - Discussion - Annual Conference - Parliamentary - Statistics - Reports - Location - Members Received - District Limits - Financial - Resignation - High Priests - Missions - Gamet's Jurisdiction - Removal - Missions - Peter Brix - Districts - Letter of Removal - Utah Chapel - Ordinations - Gathering Pacific Slope - Epistle of Twelve - Views of Bishopric - Items - Wales - A Call - Testimonies - Discussion - Australia
Rigdon's Death - England - President Goes West - Hansen's Return - Indian Question - Saints in Manchester - Europe - Semiannual Conference - Pacific Slope Conference - Lee Sentenced - Utah Affairs - Items - Discussion - Denmark - Dedication
President's Western Trip
Chapter 11
Greetings - Herald Enlarged - Settling in Missouri - Items - England - Association - Utah Chapel - England - Lee Executed - Annual Conference - Emigration Fund - Kirtland Temple - Utah Chapel - Music - Amendments Sought - Canada - Presidency and Priesthood - Removal - Members Received - Elders' Quorum - Bishop's Report - Missions - Questions Answered - Call for Means - Comments - Branch Organization - Welsh Conference - B. Young in Court - Fyrando Returned
Utah Affairs - Briggs returns - Remarkable Manifestations - Australian Conference - Burton's Arrest - Young's Death - Trip to Iowa and Missouri - Semiannual Conference - Briggs not Sustained - Order of Enoch - Case of Healing - Utah Items - Discussions - Gurley's Letter - Items - Bishop's Letter - Lousiana Items - General News - Letter from Switzerland
Chapter 13
District Organization - Great Change - Nauvoo - Discussion - News Items - Sheldon's Attack - Fast Day - Items - Redfield's Death - Annual Conference - Briggs Case - Pacific Slope Conference - Lois Cutler's Statement - Discussion - Welsh conference - Discussions - Jewish Monitor - Joint Epistle - Coalville Branch - Death of Jeremiah - Items - Bays' letter - Canada Committee - Piper City Branch - Nelson Sails - Discussion - Items - Three Rivers Branch - Oak Island Branch - Utah Elders Mobbed
The Advocate -News from England - Bays Debate - Death of Elder Dobson - Comments - Debate - Closing Houses of Worship - Debate - Semiannual Conference - What Reorganization Has Done - Letter to President Hays - Manuscript Inspired Translation - Progress - Hartwell's Death - Book of Mormon Manuscript - Prophetic Conference - Death of Hyde
Chapter 15
W. B. Smith's Statement - Reynolds Case - Nelson Returns - Mills Resigns - Case of Healing - A. H. Smith's Statement - Bluff Creek Branch - Far West Mass-meeting - Annual Conference - Pacific Slope Conference - News From England - Death of Emma Smith - Oliver Cowdery's Statement - Nelson Returns to Islands - Rodger Returns - Mills Ordained
News from Switzerland - Debates - Order of Enoch - News from England - Standing Killed - News from Denmark - Lake Crystal Branch - Gillen Sails - Debate - East Florida - B. Young's Will - Lucy Smith's History - Evarts' Circular Letter - Lamoni - News fom Tahiti - Daughters of Zion - Semiannual Conference - Welsh Conference - Utah Agitation - Pacific Slope - Spencer Smith's Death - London News - Utah Missionaries - Open Letter to Taylor - Utah Mission - Clayton's Death - Church Property - Hayes' Message
Chapter 17
The Situation - Persecution - Secretary Bell's Decision - President Smith in Carthage - Springer's Testimony - Reynolds' Death - Denver Opened - Kirtland Temple Decision - Debates - Financial - Utah Changes - Debate - Annual Conference - Pacific Slope Mission - Gurley's Death - Chicago Work - Texas Mob - Debates - Crawford's Disaffection - Lamoni's First Sermon - Manitoba - From Denmark - Debate - Scarcliff in His Mission
Baer in Switzerland - Church Government - Gospel Monitor - Graves in the South - English Periodicals - Semiannual Conference - Utah Presidency - Lamoni - News from Switzerland - Stebbins leaves Herald - Branch Organization - Hayes' Message - Utah Election
Chapter 19
Indiana Debate - From Switzerland - Utah Debate - Lars Peterson - Case of Healing - Kelleys Visits Cumorah - District Organized - Virginia Debate - Whitmer's Proclamation - New Bedford Branch - Annual Conference - News from Australia - Miraculous Conversion - Location at Lamoni - Branches Organized - Australia - Doniphan Interviewed - Testimony of Whitmer
President Garfield's Death - Brix Arrives in Denmark -Joseph Young's Death - Letter of Howe - Good Times in Society Islands - Death of Hatt - Delaware Branch Organized - Semiannual Conference - J. Smith for Governor of Utah - Visit to Whitmer - Stewartsville Debate - Utah Chapel - W. K. Lay Movement - O. Pratt's Death - Derby Branch - Herald Changes Location - Canon vs Campbell - Paige DEbate - Persecution - Richland Debate - West Virginia Debate - Order of Enoch
Chapter 21
Lamoni's Danger - Hazel Dell Branch - Northern Missouri - Persecution in the South - Harvey's Death - Edmunds Bill - Farwell Hall Meeting - Mill View Branch - Carrico's Death - Ionia Debate - Prophetic Truth - Eine Tauffe - Elkhart Branch - Annual Conference - Lamoni Church Building - Hartford Debate - Gillen Arrives - Kansas City Debate - European Conference - Crawford's Return - Hancock's Death - Hamburg Branch - Creston Branch - Branch at Paige, TExas
Persecution in Tennessee - Cheering News for England - Utah Tries for Statehood - Peculiar Experience - Boonsboro Church Dedicated - Work of Utah Commission - Strang's Explanation - Scandanavian needs - News from Islands - Financial System - Semiannual Conference - Manitoba Conditions - Work in Utah - Prospects in England - Burton in Nova Scotia - Clapp Elected Justice of the Peace - Lucas Debate - Mrs. Milliken's Death - Dewitt's Run Debate - Bishopric Active
Chapter 23
The Situation - Patterson's Pamphlet - Edmunds Bill - Caine Elected to Congress - Nebraska Debates - Conover Absconds - Committee to Washington - Annual Conference
Stewartsville Agitation - Persecution - Texas Persecution - Utah Commisssion's Report - President's Recommendation - Conditions in England - Montrose Dedication - Nebraska City Dedication - First Reunion - Case of Healing - Wilber Debate - Moscow Debate
Chapter 25
General Activity - Condition in England - Teasdale's Statements - Hamburg Debate - Danish Periodical - Kirtland Debate - Flood at Whoeling - Wyoming Branch - Oak Island Branch - W. B. Smith's Book - Oenaville Debate - Letter from Palestine - Annual Conference - Whitmer Interviewed - Pittsburg Debate - Interview with Nancy Rigdon - Cock Pitt Falls - Matters of History
European Conference - Independence Dedication - Book of Mormon Committee - Prices Run Debate - The Vindicator - Appointments - Death of Glaud Rodger - Second Oenaville Debate - Webb City Debate - Murders in Tennessee - Sandhedens Banner - Curtis' Statement - Sunday School Lessons - T. W. Smith Sails - Reunion - Edenville Debate - Utah Affairs - T. W. Smith in Islands - Conditions in England - Dedication in Indiana - Murder in Colorado - California Periodical - Canon on Joseph's Posterity - The Olive Branch - Order of Enoch - Stewartsville Debate - Kansas Debates - Bandera Debate - Nova Scotia Debate - Bishop Gamet's Death - Burton in Australia
Chapter 27
The Expositor - Nottinghan Branch - Leeds Branch - Spalding Romance - Blair-Gurley Controversy - Test Oath - Information from Burton - Annual Conference - Editorial Comment - Utah Mass-meeting - European Mission Conference - Sioux City Branch
Utah Elders in Denmark - Important Items - Brigg's Explanation - Situation in Utah - Spalding Manuscript - Change of Field - Pleasant Grove Debate - Reverend Hyde's Article - Limerick Debate - Letter from Islands - Advocate Changes Editors - Weatherford Debate - Bishop Sharp Pleads Guilty - Needs of Utah - Opolis Debate - Galands Grove Reunion - Braden Unmasked - Conference of Society Islands - General Clark's Death - Carrington Expelled - Snow Arrested - President Smith in Utah - Condition in Wales - Work in Utah - Parrish Debate - Dovites - Snow Convicted
Chapter 29
Prosecutins in Utah - Critical Condition - Deckerville Debate - Good News from Oregon - Convictions in Utah - Boonsboro Debate - Cadwell's Death - Sound Doctrine - Hastings Branch - Oliver Cowdery's Death - Atchison's Death - Ubly Branch - Mother's Home Column - Utah Situation - Carling Debate - Snow Decision Confirmed - Debate - Martinsville Debate - Reward for Cannon - Elder Brix' Death - Cheering News from England - Snow Goes to Prison - Canon Fails to Appear - Tiblon Debate - The Choice Seer - Australian Debate - Annual Conference - Death of L. L. Rice - Epistle of Tewlve - Tiblo Debate - Supreme Court's Decision - Kirtland Debate - Herald Editorial - News from New South Wales - Cameron Debate -Briggs and Herald Articles
R. B. Young Sentenced - Kirtland Temple - Chelsea Branch - Utah Situation - Utah Statehood - As to Receiving Revelation - Views of Leading Men - Work in England - Bay City Debate - Cedar County, Missouri - North Forster Branch - Debate - Hope Enlarged - Work in Wales - Garners Grove Reunion - Those Who Preached - Forty-two Baptized - Thousands Present - Dedication at Omaha - Remarkable Healing - Vanessa Debate - Whitmerite Movement - News from Society islands - Progress in New South Wales - Schell City Debate - Medina City Branch
Chapter 31
Independence Church Building - Edmunds-Tucker Bill - E. H. Gurley's Attack - Segregation Policy Illegal - Texas Saints Relieved - Willow Valley Branch - Voice of Warning - Whitmer's Pamphlet - Magazine Proposed - Dedication at Armstrong, Kansas - Liberty Jail - Kirtland Debate - General Conference - Communication from First Presidency - Missionarie's Reports - Report of Twelve - Preamble and Resolution - Fasting and Prayer - Revelation - Revelation Adopted - Report on Visit to Briggs - letter from Forscutt - Epistle of Twelve - News from England - Wheeler Baldwin's Death - "What Has The Reorganization Done?"
Work in Australia - Sweet Home Debate - McCord's Death - Unionburg Branch - North Ruby Branch - A Mob - Debates in Michigan - Arkansas Debate - Hyde's Death - Taylor's Death - General Doniophan's Death - Masonville Debate - A Miracle - Glen Elder Debate - Harlan Reunion - Standeven's Death - Affairs in Islands - Bond's Death - Eliza Snow's Death - President Smith's Trip
Chapter 33
Autumn Leaves - Victoria District Orgaized - Burton's Ordination - Malad Debate - Wholesome Rebuke - Cause for Thankfulness - Anderson's Death - Preaching of President Smith - Whitmer's Death - Logan Dedication - President Smith in California - Branch Organizations - Dyke's Death - Sundya-school Association Rules - Prospects in England - Quorum of Twelve Meet - General Conference - Corner-stone Laid - Cypipz Herald - Salyards Assumes Editorial Duties - Saint John Debate
Montana District Organized - Young's Letter - Drift Creek Branch - Missionaries Sail - Waterford Debate - Sunday-school Association - Fulton Branch - Hickey's Proposition - Southwestern Texas Ditrict Organized - Prospects in Wales - Wilber Debate - Forster District Organized - Arkansas Debate - West Virginia Debate - Council Bluffs Debate - Monmouth Branch - Haley Creek Branch - Arcadia Debates - Branch in Texas - Irondale Branch - Snowflake Branch - Garafraxa Branch - Pipe Creek Debate - Canon Surrenders - Missouri Valley Reunion - Olivet Debate - Nebraska City Debate - Diamond Valley Branch - Dedication - Utah Affairs - Interview with Spalding - Explanation of Attitude - Woodbine Dedication - San Bernardino Debate - Oenaville Debate
Chapter 35
Davis City Church - Wheelers Grove Debate - Movement to Build College - Bandera Debate - Experience in Indiana - Interruption - Cooks Point Branch - Boston Debate - Michigan Debate - Tribute to Rodger - Evergreen Branch - T. W. Smith Leaves Australia - Kansas Debate - Banta's Death - Sunday-school Association - Prayer Union - Annual Conference - Wildermuth's Death - Indiana Debate - Woodruff Made President - McVey Debate - Valley Center Branch - Distrust - Washington's Inauguration - One Wife or Many - Wisconsin Debate
Wheelers Grove Dedication - Thrilling Experience - Laurieton Debate - Laguna Reunion - Healing of Burton - Stockdale Debate - President Smith in utah - Davis City Tent-meeting - Wheelers Grove Reunion - Sacramento Reunion - President Smith at ogden - Dixfield Center DebateWays Taht Are Doubtful - Garner Groves Reunion - Utah Conference - EQton's Ordination - Canon Reviewed - Thomas' Report - Parish Debate - Roman Debate - Denver Branch - Crescent City Dedication - Explanation - Brown's Death
Chapter 37
Satisfactory Conditions - Colton Branch - Head Arbor Branch - Arkansas Mob - Bellair Debate - Birmingham Reunion - Paris Debate - Lee's Summit Debate - Council - Annual Conference - Joint Epistle - High Council Organized - Central California Reunion - "Presidency and Priesthood" - Marsville Debate - T. W. Smith's Arrival - Elmwood Branch
Kewanee Dedication - Visit to Nauvoo - Runnells Debate - Jenkins' Death - Mob in Michigan - Tunnelhill Debate - Jonesport Reunion - Case of Healing - Marcellus Meeting - Grove-meeting - Sandwich Islands - Blakeslee's Death - Wait's Death - Manchester Debate - Woodruff's Manifesto - Logan Reunion - Australia - Brand's Death - Dedication - Leeds Reunion - Dedication - Scott's Death - Dedications - Unique Experience - Deliver Them Up - Fyrando's Death - Nevada Branch - Zion's Hope - Leon Branch - Lawless Crowd - Notice of Reincorporation - Orton Debate - Herald Office Enlarged
Chapter 39
David H. Smith - Alexander H. Smith
William H. Kelley - Thomas W. Smith - James Caffal - John H. Lake - Zenas H. Gurley - Joseph R. Lambert
James W. Gillen - Heman C. Smith - Joseph Luff - Gomer T. Griffiths
George A. Blakeslee - Edmund L. Kelley
Top | ||
Volume 3 |