RLDS History
Volume 3
Chapter 29
PRESIDENT JOSEPH SMITH, on July 1, 1869, published the following word of cheer concerning the work:-
"The Lord is being good to scattered Israel. Her borders are strengthening, and her watching and waiting hosts begin to think that they must also work.
"The auspices of the Herald Office are very flattering, and new hopes are excited by the success of the past. . . .
"As we were anticipating, a much more active work is being done in the ministry this year than last, and its results are quite visible in the aroused energy to be found among the saints.
"A far better spirit is being fostered in places where hitherto a great deal of misunderstanding has existed. Some who have been idle and consequently cold, are now showing fruits meet for repentance and taking hold anew. May the peace which comes from the consciousness of duty performed attend these."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, p. 16.
Elder Josiah Ells wrote from London, England, July 2, that a mob had waited on them the Sunday night before, thinking they were polygamists; but upon learning their mistake some of them asked the privilege of coming to hear and promised orderly behavior. Such characters should hear the truth preached until they learn that mobbing even a polygamist is despicable.
July 4, Elder E. C. Brand arrived in Salt Lake City.
The following letters from Elder A. H. Smith, giving an account of an interview with President Brigham Young, will be read with interest and profit:-
"SALT LAKE CITY, July 18, 1869.
"I have had many trials in my short life, of my powers of control over my passionate temper; but never in my short life did I have need of strength more than I did yesterday.
"David gave you an account of our trip and arrival. We met many who were anxious to see us and hear us, and asked us if we were going to speak in the Tabernacle. We of course did not know, but were desirous of so doing; and to leave no stone unturned in our favor, David, myself, John Smith, Samuel Smith, George A. Smith, and John Henry Smith, (George A.'s son,) called on President Young yesterday morning, and I plainly stated our mission, and asked for the use of the Tabernacle to speak to this people.
"My statement that we differed from them in principles and points of doctrine called forth some questions, all of which I endeavored to answer in calmness, with respect and courtesy to all present. President Young then favored us with an account of how the marriage ceremony became inserted in the Book of Covenants, directly in opposition to all father could say on the matter. I told him we did not come to argue the matter there; that our reasons for differing were many-and among them, the fact that the principle he was endeavoring to sustain was contrary to all the former revelations of God, and that, in this view of the matter, we could not accept the testimony of any man or set of men that came in opposition to God's holy words in the Book of Covenants and Book of Mormon.
"Brigham then took me to task about what I had said in the garden three years ago, and denied that the Twelve ever did anything to embarrass mother in any way; but, to the contrary, that they had done everything in their power to help her in her time of trouble. I, of course, differed with him, and told him so; and then he called mother 'a liar, yes, the damnedest liar that lives,' said that she tried to poison father, that she stole Uncle Hyrum's portrait and large ring.
"He also said many other things, too numerous to mention. I cannot write all that was said. George Q. Cannon, John Taylor, Joseph F. Smith, Daniel Wells, Joseph Young, Phineas Young, Brigham Young, Jun., and several others, besides those who went with us, were present at the interview. At the close, Young shook hands with us, and wished us God's blessing in all righteous and good works, positively refusing to let us have the use of the Tabernacle.
"He said we had not the spirit of our father; but we possessed the spirit of our mother-that we had not God enough to make us a name, or to bring upon us any persecution. We told him that as to the persecution, we were thankful we had none seriously; as to the name, time, that was said to prove all things, would prove whether this were so or not.
"After our interview, we returned to John's, and I vented my anger in biting my food and swallowing it; but was nervous all the rest of the day, perhaps from indigestion, as it did not set well on my stomach.
"Yesterday we went to see, and made the acquaintance of, the Governor of Utah; reported our mission to him, and desired the territorial authorities to take cognizance of our presence. We had a very pleasant visit with Governor Durkee.
"After this visit we made the acquaintance of the Walker Brothers, thought to be the richest firm in the city, who treated us with great kindness and promised to secure a hall for us. We also had quite a long conversation with Mr. Stenhouse.
"And now let me say, in leaving the presence of Mr. Young, I took the responsibility of asking him or any of his elders to call on you in their tours eastward, and guaranteed they would have extended to them the courtesy of the meetinghouse, by asking for it, and I gave a special request for Brigham Young, from you, to call and preach in our meetinghouse.
"We have seen but few of our faith. We took supper at Sister Thimblebey's last evening, and the house she lives in
will be our headquarters in this city. A Brother Horlick owns and also lives in the house.
"Bro. Brand has gone south; we have not seen him yet.
"We wish we had some tracts on the gospel; and I would be glad if we had more of the 'Address' to give away. We have plenty on hand now; but I give them freely to those who never have read them, on their promise to read them. I can send them into families where I will not be permitted to go myself, nor will the female portion of the families be permitted to attend our meetings, the males themselves not daring to go.
"Stenhouse made some remarks concerning the office; I told him we worked by steam, and we intended to flood this country with tracts.
"This day we hold a meeting in the seventh ward, at the house of Bro. Horlick.
"GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, July 21, 1869.
"David and I have fairly entered on our mission, and everywhere we go we are received in kindness. We make it a distinctive feature of our converse to establish the object of our mission, except at the house of Cousin Joseph, and there the subject of religion has not been broached at all, in our presence. The show for the saints to remain here is very slim, I assure you. We are indebted to the Walker Brothers for assistance in procuring Independence Hall. We speak there next Sunday at two p. m.
"We spoke in a private house last Sunday afternoon, and the house was crowded. . . There is a good feeling among our people here now, and more freedom of speech than there was three years ago. Yet many scarcely dare say their soul is their own. I wish I had more of the Address to the Saints in Utah; but I do not see how I am to get them. I fear that, should it be known what they are in the post office, I might never get them. Send the "Herald as soon as possible. . . .
"I have seen Governor Durkee, also Judge Strickland, and have their assurance of protection by the civil authorities;
also the promise of their cooperation in an effort to obtain room to preach in, should it be necessary.
"Brigham is failing in wisdom and power, and begins to look old. He did us a good turn in refusing to let us have the Tabernacle; we do not want it now. God is blessing us, and working in our favor.
"Give our love to all. Remember us in prayer.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, pp. 85, 86.
Of this interview and other experiences Elder D. H. Smith wrote, July 30, as follows:-
"The next morning we visited the President. We stopped first for a little time at the Historian's, while he went over to see if we could be received. A favorable answer being obtained, we crossed the road and entering the gate stood upon the porch of Brigham's house. He was at this time receiving Senator Hooper and company. He came out on the porch, however, and shook hands with us, welcoming us into the office, where we were to await his summons. The office joined the room where he and his company were, and here we were presented to a number of bishops, clerks, and other dignitaries, the one half of whom I have forgotten. This was the most awkward, formal, and disagreeable part of our visit. To add to the unpleasantness of it all, a poor, unfortunate, half crazed man, who came stalking in, was allowed to stand over us, and preach down our throats in a wild, discordant manner. This became so annoying that I spoke to my brother about going, when we were ushered into the presence. The room where the President sat was commodious, with chairs and sofas all round it, and a row of oil portraits hung upon the walls; among them those of father and Uncle Hyrum were prominent.
"Brigham Young appears older and more broken than I had thought to see him. He spoke graciously to us at first, and stated that if we were only on the right track he could almost embrace us.
"Alexander stated our mission to the Territory, requesting the use of the Tabernacle for the coming Sunday. Much was said on both sides. but I am happy to state that neither
my brother nor myself exhibited any anger, neither did we, although tried severely, once lose control of our language or deportment while the conference lasted.
"The President had much to say in regard to our mother's character that, although it never could diminish the luster of that character, nor soil one ray of its purity, did not add to Brigham Young's reputation for wisdom, truth, nor Christian spirit. On the contrary, such slanderous assertions must inevitably work to the detriment of his cause. Why is it not better to talk of men and principle, and not attack the character of a mother in Israel, whose life is at home, and whose occupation the care of her family. The upshot of it all was, we were refused the Tabernacle, and went on our way rejoicing.
"We have visited the civil authorities, and as many friends and acquaintances in the city as we have had time to do, and through the kindness of the Walker Brothers, influential merchants in the city, have obtained Independence Hall, and held three meetings therein, having the house full to overflowing. Yesterday, being Sunday, Alexander was examining some of the principles advocated here, when he was interrupted by our cousin Joseph F. Smith, who demanded that Alexander should read the whole of a letter he was quoting from the Times and Seasons. Alexander stated his displeasure at his meeting being interrupted, when the interruption was continued. This exasperated the people so that they cried out, 'Shame!' 'Put him out!' "Silence!' Silence being restored, Alexander continued his remarks, stating that we had been refused the Tabernacle, and that now he regretted sadly that Joseph F. Smith should be the one selected to attend our meetings and oppose us, but that our determination is to hold meetings without interruption, if possible, and treat upon whatever principle we chose to examine. This so delighted the people that they broke out with thunders of applause. Silence again being restored, he finished his discourse, giving polygamy a thorough disapproval. We sang, 'Let us shake off the coals from our garments,' and were dismissed. Alexander attended a meeting of the branch, while Bro. Brand and myself repaired to
the water, and I was permitted to baptize eight souls from the Brighamite Church into the Reorganization. God has blessed us greatly. May praise and glory be to his holy name."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, pp. 130, 131.
The following summary of news is from the pen of President Joseph Smith, and was published in the church organ August 1, 1869:-
"From every quarter now comes the cheering news that the gospel is winning its onward way.
"Bros. J. W. Briggs and Josiah Ells, in England; Bro. W. W. Blair, in California; Bro. Powers, in Wisconsin; Bro. E. C. Briggs, in Michigan; Bro. Charles Derry, in Iowa, are all dealing trustful blows in behalf of the truth conferred in these eventful days.
"Nor are these all. Brother Thomas W. Smith, with others, in Maine and the islands off the east coast; Brothers C. E and C. N. Brown, in Massachusetts and Rhode Island; Brothers James Wagner and G. E. Deuel, in West Virginia, Brothers Benjamin H. Ballowe and Isaac Beebe, in Tennessee and Alabama, with Bro. C. G. Lanphear on the way there; Brothers H. A. Stebbins and C. W. Lange, in Wisconsin; Brothers John H. Donnellon, S. I. and H. C. Smith, and J. E. Hopper, in Michigan; William H. Kelley, in Minnesota; Brother Davis H. Bays and others, in Kansas; Brothers Summerfield and Joseph S. Lee, in North Missouri; Bro. William Hazzledine and the brethren of the St. Louis conference, in middle Missouri and Illinois; Bro. T. P. Green down in Egypt [Southern Illinois]; Bro. John H. Lake, in Canada; Brothers E. C. Brand, Alexander H. and David H. Smith, in Utah, Nevada, and California; with many others in other places, doing local preaching, make an array of talent in the field far in advance of previous years. A general feeling of great necessity for practical development of our faith is binding the brethren to an exemplary life.
"Many who have, for reasons supposed by them to have been good at the time, departed, are considering the propriety of their return.
"Mr. Ebenezer Page and -- Boone, traveling in the
interests of Sidney Rigdon, were in our office a few days since, on their way into Michigan.
"They represent about fourteen or fifteen families, gathered at Attica, Marion County, Iowa, the place appointed by Sidney for the gathering of the saints.
"Joseph Newton and William Hamilton, having rebelled for some cause not explained to us, have been cut off.
"These two men were, if we remember aright, two of three messengers sent out by Elder Rigdon at the time of the publication of the Appeal.
"We believe that the conduct of affairs at Attica is at present under the charge of Elder Stephen Post, although Elder Rigdon is expected there, at some time not stated to us.
"From Elder Rigdon's connection with the church during the lifetime of the Martyrs, the saints will be desirous of knowing what he is doing, and what is being done in his name, so far as that knowledge may be legitimately derived, and correctly stated.
"Of Granville Hedrick and his movements, we do not now know much, except that a number have gone into Missouri, under his direction. What will be the issue remains to be developed.
"We learn, of late, by letter, that there are now six aspirants to the successorship of Joseph Morris, slain at Weber. One in Nevada, named John Livingstone; one in Utah, named George Williams; one at Omaha, Nebraska, named G. Gull; one in Oregon, named William Davis; one in England, named George Thompson; and one in Denmark, named Lorentzen.
"The unusual prevalence of rains this season is causing great fear throughout the country, of a famine for bread.
"The Lord may plead by the voice of inspired and holy men; may reveal his wondrous goodness and excellent loving-kindness, and men remain unmoved thereby; but when he deigns to lay his hand heavily upon the prospects for a continuance of the life which now is, they quail with fear.
"Are those who should long since have been prepared for this display of power, now ready for the day of their trial?
"We are waiting anxiously to learn of companies organized, as we have before this suggested, for mutual settlement and support. Every day land is getting higher in price, and available locations are becoming scarcer. Does this sentence bring no wisdom: "If by purchase, behold, you are blessed; if by blood, . . . lo, your enemies are upon you."-The Saints' Herald vol. 16, pp. 80, 81.
In August, Elders A. H. and D. H. Smith made a trip to Malad, Idaho. For account, see letter from D. H. Smith, Herald, volume 16, page 204.
About this time the Fall River Monitor published the following regarding the work in the East:-
"The Latter Day Saints' conference embracing the churches of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, convened in Providence, on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. The time was occupied in religious devotion and the transaction of business. There was a large number of delegates in attendance, Fall River, Providence, New Bedford, Pawtucket, Dennisport, and Boston being well represented. There were about thirty present from our city, embracing the clergy and laity, among the former being Elders Brown, Cottam, Hacking, Smith, and Gilbert. Elder Cyriel E. Brown, of Fall River, was chosen president, and Elder John Smith, also of this city, was elected clerk. The subject of home missionary labor was discussed, and Elders Brown and Smith were chosen to preach at Little Compton, while Elder Cottam was elected to labor at Westport and Dartmouth. The rite of baptism was administered Sunday noon, to five candidates at Long Pond, which was witnessed by a large number of spectators.
"This conference had its origin in Fall River, October, 1866, and was made up of members exclusively from the church in this city, that church being the only one extant within the limits of the present conference. They claim to be the only true Mormon Church and the followers of Joseph Smith, the martyred prophet, rejecting Brigham Young as an impostor and apostate, who 'departed from the faith first delivered to the saints,' and instituted the system of
polygamy and other heresies, contrary to the teachings of the Book of Mormon."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, pp. 93, 94
Elder George M. Rush wrote from West Meryston, Scotland, August 1, stating that it was no use for anyone to go there unless he could stay at least two or three years; but if the church could send such an one he would receive him with open arms, for it was very lonely there, and he had much to meet.
Elder W. W. Blair wrote from San Francisco, California, August 2, stating that "the work was never in so good condition, internally, as now."
Elder A. H. Smith, on August 8, reported from Salt Lake City, Utah, as follows:-
"Events as they occur here would be news to you, and all of importance we try to send you. Joseph F. has armed himself with the affidavits of some twenty-five or thirty (so I am told) women in the Territory, who declared they belonged to our father, etc., and these are the weapons they expect to use against us; also, the rumor now is, that there are some children who make affidavit that they are his. But the plan will work their own confusion; almost every step of their head center of late has resulted disastrously, and the people are fearing for the result.
"Bro. E. C. Briggs certainly deserves a great deal more credit than is generally given him for this mission. His fearlessness in coming when he did is certainly a matter worthy a due consideration. Bro. Briggs did a good work here."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, p. 151.
The following extracts of letters published in the Herald for August 15, will indicate general prosperity:-
"Bro. Dobson, of Denison, Iowa, writes: "There are more calls for preaching than I can possibly fill, and everywhere large congregations. I am preaching every Sunday from four to forty miles from home, and expect to do some baptizing soon in Carroll County.'
"Hiram Bemis, of Winneconne, Wisconsin, writes: 'Bro. Savage has been here preaching to us and has baptized three, and there are more that will soon come into the church."
"R. Warnock, of Farmington, Iowa, July 13, writes: "I am laboring in the gospel as much as possible; have had the privilege of baptizing two faithful souls at Croton since conference. The prospect is good for a good work there. I hear rumors of opposition from the pioneer preachers of Iowa (Baptist), next Saturday and Sunday; but my trust is in the Lord. All are well here, and peace prevails.'
"John Wade, writing from Missouri, wants an elder to visit and preach in his neighborhood, as he and some others are anxious to identify themselves with God's people. . . .
"Henry C. Smith, writing from Decatur, Michigan, says: 'After we left you, we visited our numerous relatives and acquaintances in Steuben County, Indiana. I could not learn that any of our ministers had ever been in that section of country, so we improved the opportunity of making full use of our feeble talent, both in public and in private. In every house we visited, we spread the good news of the kingdom, and I humbly trust that some seed fell on good ground, that will bring forth fruit to the honor of our Master.' . . .
"Bro. William Anderson, president of St. Louis branch, writing from there, July 12, says: 'Bro. G. E. Deuel left here for Pittsburg [Pittsburgh] last Friday. He labored while he was with us, I believe, with good effect. We have had six added to the branch lately by baptism, three of them formerly belonged to the Reorganization. but had been cut off.' . . .
"Bro. Davis H. Bays, writing from Oregon, Missouri, says: 'The work here is marching right along.'
"Bro. E. B. Smith, of Eden, Fayette County, Iowa, writes: 'I came into the church twenty-eight years ago last March, and into the Reorganized Church four years ago last spring. I was baptized by Nathan Foster, and have not seen an elder of the Reorganized Church since. There are a number of the members of the old church scattered about here, and I think there could be considerable of a branch raised up here, if there were some of the servants of Christ to preach to us. There are many wanting to hear who never heard our faith preached.' . . .
"Bro. J. M. Wait, of Binghampton, Wisconsin, writes:
'The work of the Lord is prospering in this part of the land; may it prosper in all the land till the Lord bring in everlasting righteousness.'
"Bro. Joseph Parsons, of Pittsburg [Pittsburgh], Pennsylvania, writes: 'We have now permission from the deputy mayor and signed by the mayor of the City to hold outdoor meetings whenever we choose, and we are very much in want of tracts for free distribution.' . . .
"John Taylor, of Hannibal, Missouri, writes: 'All is well, and the work of God is on the increase here.'
"John Taylor, of Nevada City, Montana Territory, writes: 'I think there could be a deal of good accomplished in this Territory in behalf of this work, if we had one or two faithful elders to give themselves to the ministry. I think there is no society in the Territory that could collect so large a congregation as they could, provided they could come.' . . .
"William H. Kelley, of Mantorville, Minnesota, writes: 'All is well, and additions to the church here occur almost daily.' . .
"Jacob Huntsman, of Albion, Noble County, Indiana, writes: 'I want you to be sure and send us a preacher this fall. Bros. Lanphear and Stone were here last January, and a good many here want to have them come back, commence where they left off, finish what they undertook, and satisfy the minds of the people.' . . .
"Bro. T. W. Smith writes from Machias, Maine: 'Prospect of a glorious work at Mason's Bay and Machiasport. Jonesport is bright indeed. Pray for us much. Some will obey here, one at least to-day.'"-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, pp. 122, 123.
President Joseph Smith, through the Herald for September 15, gave the following cheering report of progress and prospect:-
"From every organized district, from every active branch, comes the cheering news, 'The gospel wins its way.' We pray therefore that there may be laborers sent into the harvest field.
"The Semiannual Conference convenes October 6, at
Galland's Grove. We expect to attend if not prevented, and shall be pleased to meet as many as possible of those who intend laboring this coming winter.
"There is a field open in Texas and New Mexico, which offers inducements for a faithful young man, who can labor in patience, in hope, in privation, care, and anxiety; being energetic, active, and full of faith.
"Bro. C. G. Lanphear will welcome laborers in the south, just as soon as he can get there himself.
"The work in England, Wales, and Scotland, is being carried on at great disadvantage, and should be sustained by the church in America to the utmost possible extent.
"It is easy to see that no effort is to be left untried to defeat the object of our labors in Utah and California. The brethren who have started and carried on the work there are entitled to the lasting esteem and confidence of the church for the perseverance and faithful devotion with which they labored there under so many and so discouraging, adverse conditions.
"Bro. Edmund C. Briggs joined Bro. W. H. Kelley, laboring in Minnesota, last week, for the purpose of aiding him in the good work lately fruiting there. Bro. Briggs once labored there, and the confidence of the people is such that they requested him to visit them again. It is anticipated that some additions will be made by baptism before Bro. Briggs returns. Bro. Kelley deserves credit for the faithful manner in which he has wrought in his mission.
"Bro. Thomas W. Smith is now laboring in Maine, in the region from which the colony to Joppa, Palestine, under George J. Adams, emigrated. He writes very encouragingly. . . .
"We attended the session of the Kewanee conference, held at Princeville, Peoria County, Illinois, on the 4th and 5th inst. The saints were made happy by a remarkably peaceful session. Bro. John S. Patterson and ourself were permitted to stand up in defense of the cause, and to declare the truth as it is in Christ.
"Bro. Z. H. Gurley, Sen., addressed the saints at Kewanee, on Sunday the 5th, and they testify that the Spirit gave him
utterance, and to them comfort and peace. Bro. Isaac Sheen addressed the people of Batavia, Illinois, twice on the same day. . . .
"Bro. M. H. Forscutt was with the saints at Amboy, during the two-days' meeting at that place. The work of the ministry was ably done. Two witnessed the profession of their faith and were received by baptism."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, pp. 176, 177.
About this time Elder Hervey Green wrote from Stockton, California, as follows:-
"Bro. J. W. Gillen is with me at present, and is well. We expect to leave tomorrow for a visit to the Liberty branch, and then to Sacramento, and then perhaps one or both of us will visit San Jose, which will consume the time until conference. As a general thing the saints in the Central district of California are striving to live their religion, and the Spirit of God is with them to unite them together, and although every impediment is thrown in their path that Satan can invent, yet, with very few exceptions, the saints are firm and steadfast. Bro. Blair is at Santa Rosa, or was at last accounts. Bros. Rodger and Dungan are in the northern part of the State, with a prospect of doing good. Bro. J. C. Clapp is in Oregon doing a good work there. It is very cheering to us that the prospects of A. H. and David H. Smith, in Utah, are flattering."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, p. 184.
In Herald for September 15, 1869, President Smith published a request that the saints would observe Sunday, October 3, as a day of fasting and prayer, that the Lord would bless the assembling of the saints at the General, the Utah, the California, and the European semiannual conferences.
September 30, 1869, Elder E. C. Brand issued the following challenge to Elder Lorenzo Snow:-
"To Mr. Lorenzo Snow, Box Elder; Sir.-Whereas, you not only refused me a place to preach, but also threatened to 'attack me' if I did preach in your city, and did refuse to meet me in debate, I now (in compliance with section 91 [71], paragraph 2, Doctrine and Covenants,
which says: 'Confound your enemies; call upon them to meet you both in public and in private, and their shame shall be made manifest,') call upon you to meet me in discussion, in Box Elder, any time within two months from date, when I will undertake to prove,
"l. That the doctrine taught by you as found in Journal of Discourses, volume 1, page 50, that 'Adam is our God, and the only God with whom we have to do,' is idolatry.
"2. That Joseph Smith, son of Joseph the Martyr, is the President of the church and Melchisedec priesthood, and no one else.
"3. That polygamy is an abomination in the sight of God. The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Times and Seasons to be received as evidence.
"Yours respectfully,
"From Utah Daily Reporter, September 30, 1869."
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, p. 311.
This resulted, like every other attempt has, in failure to induce their leading men to engage in honorable controversy upon the issues between them and the Reorganization.
These two items were published in the Herald of October 1, 1869:-
"Messrs. Walker Brothers, and other citizens of Salt Lake City, have placed in the hands of Brother Alexander H. Smith, missionary in Utah, the sum of one hundred and sixty-two dollars, to be used for the good of the cause there.
"For this act of kindness to our brethren laboring in Utah we feel grateful, and thank the Father of all good that the righteous are not forsaken nor their seed wanting bread.
"Elder Joseph S. Snively passed through Plano on the 17th ult., on his way to the field in Canada, to labor with Elder John H. Lake, by appointment of the Spring Conference."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, p. 208.
The Semiannual Conference met at Galland's Grove, October 6 to 10; Joseph Smith president, R. M. Elvin and D. H. Bays clerks. Reports were heard on the 6th. Missions were appointed as follows: Hugh Lytle and D. H. Bays, North Kansas; William H. Kelley
and R. G. Eccles, Minnesota; C G. Lanphear and Alexander McCord, Southern mission; W. W. Blair, A. H. Smith, and D. H. Smith, California and Utah; J. W. Briggs and Josiah Ells, European mission; T. W. Smith, Eastern mission; J. H. Lake and J. S. Snively, Canada; W. W. Wagoner and G. E. Deuel, West Virginia; M. H. Forscutt, under First Presidency; Stephen Maloney, continued in former field; E. C. Brand, Utah; E. Jasper, Holland; G. M. Rush, Scotland; J. A. McIntosh, Southern Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee; Ralph Jenkins and George Montague, East Virginia; Charles Derry, Western Iowa. R. A. Marchant was ordained an elder, and appointed to labor in Northwestern Missouri.
The subject of establishing a theological school was again deferred.
Elder John A. McIntosh was ordained a high priest by Hugh Lytle and Thomas Dobson.
A committee previously appointed to select lands and locate a colony reported having visited Independence, Missouri; Topeka and Atchison, Kansas; Nebraska City, Nebraska; and Council Bluffs, Iowa. They had made no selection.
S. W. Condit, R. M. Elvin, and James Caffall were appointed a committee to ascertain what a suitable tent would cost in which to hold the Semiannual Conferences.
The Herald editor made the following comments on the conference:-
"The Semiannual Conference of 1869 is over. From the first hour of its convening, peace prevailed. The weather from Wednesday morning till Sunday evening, with the exception of Friday, was most excellent.
"The business of the conference was rapidly dispatched, in order that the afternoon of each week day and Sunday might be devoted to the preaching of the word.
"Everything went very smoothly, until Friday morning was ushered in wet, rainy, and disagreeable. Some few of the brethren became frightened at the prospect for rain, and left the ground for home. The great body of the saints, however, decided to remain, trusting in the Lord. The rain
ceased at noon, and the business proceeded. At the prayer meeting, Friday evening, the saints were blessed beyond expectation; indeed, those present declared that in their experience, none to surpass it was ever witnessed by them. Tongues, interpretations, prophecies, exhortations by the Spirit were among the exercises of the meeting.
"'The gathering' was a subject much talked of; and from indications there will be some practical efforts put forth to realize the hope of the saints in this direction."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, p. 272.
The Utah semiannual conference was held at Salt Lake City, October 6 to 8; A. H. Smith president, William Worwood clerk. Provision was made to ordain the following men to the office of elder: Lars Edler, William A. Holt, and Henry Kersha.
Elders Alexander H. Smith, David H. Smith, E. C. Brand, and S. F. Walker were sustained as traveling missionaries. Elder William Worwood was appointed to the presidency of Utah district; Elders W. A. Holt and John Anderson were appointed to Salt Lake subdistrict, Elder A. B. Moore was sustained as president of the Malad subdistrict. Elder -- Metcalf was appointed to labor in Cache County, Utah; and Elder David Bona to labor in Utah. Elder W. W. Blair was sustained as president of the Pacific slope; and all the general authorities were sustained.
The conference adopted the following resolution:-
"That this conference condemns the use of tobacco; also wine and strong drink as a beverage, as unbecoming to the Christian, and as vices that should be shunned."
The Pacific slope semiannual conference, October 6 to 8, met at Washington Corners; Elders W. W. Blair, Glaud Rodger, and J. W Gillen presidents, Elders Peter Canavan and J. C. Clapp clerks. The following elders were appointed to different parts of California: Glaud Rodger, J. W. Gillen, George Adams, J. C. Clapp, Hervey Green, Hiram Falk, D. S. Crawley, Jacob Adamson, Cornelius Bagnall, M. B. Oliver, and Thomas Dungan.
On October 6, Elder J. W. Briggs sailed for his home in
the United States, with a company of emigrating saints, on board the steamship Minnesota. He arrived at his home in Hardin County, Iowa, October 26, 1869. His health had been poor while in England, and he was quite sick when he embarked. Elder Josiah Ells succeeded him as president of the European mission and editor of the Restorer.
A conference was held at Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales, October 31; Thomas E. Jenkins president, Evan Morgan clerk. At this conference the following resolutions were adopted:-
"Resolved: That we uphold Joseph Smith as President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; also the constituted authorities of the church, in righteousness; that we uphold Josiah Ells as president of the European mission; that we uphold Thomas E. Jenkins as president of the Welsh mission; that John E. Hughes continue his labors in North Wales; that we sustain Richard Thomas, Lewis Williams, David Griffiths, John Watkins, as traveling elders."-The Restorer, vol. 3, p. 325.
November 4, Elder A. H. Smith wrote from Salt Lake City, in part, as follows:-
"Every week witnesses some addition to the church here by baptism; we have now four ready. Bro. Thomas Liez 1 baptized last week. Much excitement prevails. There have been more cut off the Brighamite Church the last two months, according to report, than for two years previously. Something is the matter; what do you think it is? With the exception of slight colds, we, David and myself, are both well."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, p. 312.
On November 11, 1869, Elder D. H. Smith wrote the following scathing denunciation of Utah's policy:-
"This is a splendid place to school one in steadfast perseverance, for every undertaking is met with such persistent opposition, and such unfair and little advantages taken, that if one has any spirit of ambition it is called into play or hard work rather. Please do not understand that I am complaining, oh, no! I like it, but I wish to state the case in plainness.
"In all this city of about twenty thousand inhabitants, and a corresponding number of assembly rooms, besides two large tabernacles, halls, and public rooms of every kind nearly, we have only the privilege of one room, 'Independence Hall;' and for that, we are indebted not to the professed saints of the city, but to the Gentiles, the liberal, nonreligious citizens, and the members of the Episcopal denomination.
"There is a system of intoleration, and a policy the like of which I never before experienced, and at which I am the more astonished, practiced as it is by a people who have complained so bitterly of the like spirit exhibited towards them by the world. Of all the phases of this intoleration, none assumes such low, cowardly, and mean aspects as that expressed by the odious word policy. Now Mr. Editor, I trust you will insert this, inflammatory as it may appear. It is a principle, and an evil one at that, that I denounce; and if you, (being devoid of this policy,) were brought face to face with it, I am sure you would feel a Christian obligation to pronounce against this evil with which Satan has corrupted the hearts of thousands here.
"It is policy that debars a line from the pen of a Josephite from appearing before the public in all the journals of the valley, save the Reporter, published at Corinne.
"It is policy that forbids us the use of water for baptism, causing us to walk weary distances, repeatedly, to perform this ordinance; while the authority rolls proudly past in rich equipages.
"It is policy that causes many to avoid our presence, and smother their honest convictions; nay, even forces them to utter sentiments averse to their very heart's belief.
"It is policy that takes away the employment of the Josephite, and comes down suddenly upon him for debts, mortages [mortgages], emigration money, and tithing, and wrests his property from him, if possible, sets a thousand slanders afloat in regard to him, dogs his footsteps, watches his door, sets the teachers to questioning his wife, cuts him off from the church for reading the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and burns Grandma Smith's history, while it
performs a hundred little, dirty offices that Satan would blush at.
"There came to my ears advice like the following: 'If, you want to win the Brighamite, do not fraternize with the Gentiles; do not make use of the papers of the outsiders, for they think you connive with their enemies, and you will lose their favor.' Now, with all due deference to the ones from whom it emanated, I shall not follow it. Henceforth, any man or woman, Jew, Gentile, saint, or sinner, who manifests a proper, courteous, christianlike, upright demeanor toward me, I shall assist them, if possible; receive assistance, if necessary; and not lose this little favor, to please those who would deprive us even of this small loaf, and shut us out of 'Independence Hall,' if they could.
"The way to meet and cure this policy, if it be possible to cure it; for, like scrofula it is very chronic and hard to cure, is, to stand boldly up, declare your sentiments, and point the finger of honest indignation in the shallow face of this odious policy. If anyone debars himself of salvation upon so flimsy an excuse, you may depend upon it he is not worth saving. If the favor of such is lost, you are better off without it, and will make up in favor with God and all honest men. Thank God there is nothing like it in his gospel, or in the holy crystal-like character of his noble beloved Son.
"Monday last, Alexander baptized seven. We made quite a little company passing through the streets to our place of baptism, almost outside the city limits. Wednesday, he baptized one.
"On looking over my diary, I find that I have also baptized one since last writing. Alexander is about to send off a company, I think they intend to start next Monday. We think of leaving here ourselves the 24th of this month, for Malad, where we will attend conference of that district. Somewhere about the first of December we will spread our wings for the Pacific sea, if all goes well."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 9, 10.
Elder W. H. Kelley, on November 16, reported progress
from Minnesota, including the organization of a branch of twenty-one members in Goodhue County.
Elder E. Jasper, who was appointed on a mission to Holland, returned to his home in Nebraska City, Nebraska, and from there wrote, on November 18, giving an account of the difficulties to be met in Holland. 1
Under date of November 29, Elder W. W. Blair wrote from Malad, Idaho, of his arrival from California and Nevada, and of meeting Elders A. H. Smith, D. H. Smith, and E. C. Brand, and with them attending a conference at Malad. Of this meeting and conference Elder D. H. Smith wrote, under date of December 5, as follows:-
"I believe I have only baptized one since writing last in Salt Lake City. Cold, incurred by undue exercise of voice, and exposure, placed Alexander in the office of Apollos, so that he has the report on baptism to make.
"November 15, I preached my farewell sermon in the City of Saints; congregation very large, showing no slack in the interest manifested in our work there. The people were
1 Bro. Joseph:-I arrived here last week. I could not stay any longer in Holland, for I did not have money, and I could not find any man to assist me. I had to pay for every meal. The Brighamites overrun the country, so that "Mormonism" has become a reproach.
I think I did some good there, I traveled as much as possible. In Zaandam I convinced a little branch of from five to six families; some in Amsterdam, and some in Rotterdam, all very good people, but too poor to assist in the work. And then they have been oppressed and deceived so much by the Brighamites, that they will stay awhile by themselves and see how we get along. If an emigration fund could be established, I think after awhile a great work could be done there; but it requires some means to establish truth in that language. I brought two converts with me, a young man and his wife.
A Presbyterian preacher in Holland asked me if I could send him the history of Joseph; he would like to know the root of this work, and whether Joseph the Martyr was called of God to do this great work. He was anxious to know this through the printed word. He is a very honest man, and is just as well acquainted with the English as with the Holland language. I gave him several tracts and asked him if he would translate them as he got time. He promised me he would. Can you send me the history of Joseph, or any other work you think proper, then I will send it to him. This I promised him. I think it will do some good. I wrote Bro. J. W. Briggs from Liverpool. I rejoice in this glorious work, and in being in the midst of the saints.
Please greet the brethren in the office from me, and also yourself.
Your brother in the gospel,
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, pp. 372, 373.
very kind, showing marked expression of friendliness and trust.
'"On the 21st, Alexander made his adieu, and we took the parting hand of a large portion of a congregation still larger than that of the preceding Sunday. We could not have been made to believe that we should leave Salt Lake City with so much of regret as we did. The untiring patience and kindness of our brethren and sisters in faith, made manifest in the most substantial evidences; the long and pleasant feast of light and truth we had enjoyed together; the very trials we had passed through in common, invested our parting with heartfelt sadness.
"Time and space would fail us to mention the acts of generous friendship and hospitality enjoyed by us, or men ion the pleasant names of those displaying that generosity, belonging to the Reorganization. Not alone to these were we deeply indebted, but to very many of the Gentiles of noble character, we must express thanks, not a few, for procuring a hall, for assistance in many respects, for liberal marks of courtesy and Christianity. Many also of the Jewish merchants showed great kindness toward us, and when praying for the peace of Jerusalem, we shall ever remember them with pleasure. There were some noble examples, also, wherein Brighamites displayed towards us that kindness, liberal-mindedness, and toleration,-nay, even brotherly regard, that should be observed between man and man, however marked their difference of faith. For this we shall ever remember our cousins, Samuel and John, although of opposite faith, with kindred affection. Their treatment of us was all that we could ask, and even more, notwithstanding their position in the church at the valley. For them and their families we have a most pleasurable esteem and regard.
"The last few days of our stay were spent in visiting our friends, in social gatherings at their homes in the evenings, and in preparation for our westward trip.
"We were first to make a visit to Malad to attend conference. We started the morning of the 24th. I have spoken
of this route once before. At Corinne we were joined by Bro. Brand, and had the pleasure of meeting with Bro. Blair.
"The conference at Malad was a work of great good; twelve were baptized, I think eleven by Alexander and one by Bro. Brand. While there, the Lord confirmed the work with a most remarkable case of healing. A little one of Bro. Jones was sick with a disease threatening its life unless relief came. God was good, indeed, and it was a blessing to witness its thankful smiles upon the immediate removal, by the power of God, of that sickness. . . .
"Bright hours are soonest spent. Here we are, in Corinne again; and this afternoon, if all is well, we shall begin our farther flight to the Pacific sea. Bro. Blair and Bro. Brand continue the work in Salt Lake City. May God make one in the trio."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 10, 11.
In a subsequent communication Elder Smith relates that he and his brother Alexander were furnished with passes, free, by Governor Leland Stanford, then president of the road, and arrived in Sacramento on December 7, where they tarried for a few days, and then on to San Francisco. They spent a few days pleasantly there, and December 27 found them at Mission San Jose.
In the closing months of the year 1869, there was a movement in Utah which we feel justified in briefly mentioning though it had no connection with the church. It was the rebellion of Messrs. Harrison, Godbe, and others against church rule in Utah. An editorial written by Mr. Harrison, in the Utah Magazine, with a protest, were published in the Saints' Herald, prefaced with comments. We reproduce these as they appeared in the Herald, which will give the reader a clear idea of the issue:-
"We this number present to the readers of the Herald 'An appeal to the People,' and 'Protest,' copied from the Utah Magazine. They are sufficiently explanative in themselves to carry a correct understanding of the issue raised between E. L. T. Harrison and W. S. Godbe, and Brigham Young.
"We have ever held that there was freedom in the church for the expansion of the intellect and the affections, for the increase of that which tends to make men wiser and better, for the attainment unto every higher, holier good to which man may legitimately aspire; that there was a right to think, to speak, to act, subject only to the general rules of ecclesiastical government under which church unity is secured unto us, and the specific commandments of God unto the church.
"'Neither be ye called master,' is in the same strong spirit as, 'But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant;' 'for one is your master, even he whom your heavenly Father sent, which is Christ.'
"We cannot rejoice in schism, nor in the arraying of brethren in spiritual controversy, one against another; but having understood that the gospel was for the elevation of man, for the opposing and suppressing of evil and falsehood; for the upbuilding of right and true principles, which honorable men, seeking for life eternal, may advocate, sustain, and abide by; and to which the outcast and depraved may seek for deliverance from their depravity and alienation from God, we can but hail with gladness the evidences daily accruing of an early return to right ways of thinking, when men will, in their desires for the advancement of the cause of God, dare to counsel together freely and fairly, without fear of censure or hate, or the exercise upon them of arbitrary power, wielded by their fellow men.
"We shall note with great interest the result of the struggle now going on in Utah; and if Messrs. Harrison, Godbe, and Kelsey will permit us, without ascribing unto us any desire to widen the breach between Brigham Young and themselves, we offer them our congratulations upon the manly stand they have taken in defense of God-given human right.
"'Since the date of writing my last editorial, a startling change has taken place in my situation, although not in my feelings or sentiments towards the members of our church.
For writing such articles as "Our Workmen's Wages," "The True Development of the Territory," "Steadying the Ark," etc., a charge has been preferred against me of apostasy, on the ground that I have no right to publicly discuss the wisdom of any measure or policy of the priesthood and expect to retain a membership in the church at the same time. For asserting my belief that the gospel gives me the freedom to differ with the leaders of the church, and the privilege of stating my difference of opinion, provided I do it honestly and respectfully, I have been deprived of my membership in the church-the doctrine being positively laid down on the occasion of my trial by President Brigham Young and Elder George Q. Cannon, that "it is apostasy to honestly differ with the priesthood in any of their measures."
"'If this definition of apostasy be correct, of course, I am an apostate, because it is true that I do not see eye to eye with our ecclesiastical leaders on the subject of the reduction of our workmen's wages, the mineral development of the Territory, and similar matters.
"'I wish to give, in a brief way, a statement of the circumstances attending my expulsion, and the reasons by which I have been guided in the course I have taken, so that all my friends may judge for themselves. In doing this I shall have to omit most of the preliminaries connected with the case, inasmuch as they occurred at the "School of the Prophets." Suffice it to say that, on Saturday, 16th October, an announcement that we had been violently denounced by President Young reached our ears, and on the following Saturday we were publicly cited to appear before the High Council and "be tried for our standing."
"'On Monday we appeared before the High Council at the City Hall, which was densely packed with the authorities of the church-no ordinary members, except those who appeared as witnesses, or were specially invited, being allowed to be present. The following is a brief synopsis of the trial from minutes made on the spot.
"'After the charge of apostasy had been preferred by Elder George Q. Cannon, on the ground of articles in the Magazine containing views on financial questions differing
with those of the President, as well as on account of an expressed belief that members of the church held not only a right to think but to express their ideas on such subjects, the question was put to Elder Cannon whether "it was apostasy to differ honestly with the measures of the President," to which he replied, "It is apostasy to differ honestly with the measures of the President. A man may be honest even in hell." This idea President Wells confirmed by remarking that we "might as well ask the question whether a man had the right to differ honestly with the Almighty." Thus the doctrine was unqualifiedly asserted that the Almighty and the priesthood, so far as its official dictates were concerned, were to be accepted as one and the same thing, on pain of excommunication from the church.
"'William S. Godbe stated that his claim to conscientiously differ with the views of the leaders of the church on certain questions, could not be apostasy, inasmuch as he had always believed that such were his rights. While he bore testimony to the divine mission of Joseph Smith, and to the appointment of Brigham Young as his successor in the presidency of the church, he denied his right to enforce unquestioning obedience upon all subjects secular and spiritual from its members. He believed the preservation of our unity was worth any price short of the concession of the right of thought and speech or any other true principle. That price he was not willing to pay even for unity. He claimed that he entertained none but the kindest feelings toward the presidency and priesthood severally, and trusted, however much they might object to his views, that they would at least concede to him honesty and purity of purpose.
"'E. L. T. Harrison then stated that if it was apostasy to differ conscientiously with the priesthood of the church, he must be considered an apostate, for he certainly did differ with them on some matters. The point upon which he most particularly differed, was their right to expel people from the church because of a difference of opinion on matters of church policy. He admitted that they had a right to demand of him implicit obedience to every gospel ordinance,
as well as to every condition of a pure life. All that he claimed as his right was respectfully and temperately to discuss any difference of opinion he might entertain, without being cut off from the church for so doing.
"'His reasons for considering that this was his privilege as a member of the church were, that it was part of the gospel offered to him in foreign lands. He was told that in this church the utmost freedom of speech would be permitted. Popery and other systems had muzzled freedom of speech, but in this church such oppression was to be crushed forever, and never raise again its accursed head. He accepted the gospel on these terms, not simply because the elders told him these were his rights, but because the Holy Spirit bore testimony that they but uttered the truth when they so taught, and he was there that day to claim these privileges of the gospel.
"'When he was examining the doctrines of this church he was advised by the elders to use his judgment and his intellect to the fullest extent, and dispute every principle that he could not understand. This had resulted in his entrance into the church. If he had mounted up the ladder of his own reason and judgment to get into the church, why should he now be called upon to kick that down by which he had ascended, and go along without it? If it was a good thing, and had brought him blessing to use his own opinion at the first, why should he not continue the use of that which had done him so much good?
"'He objected to the requisition for any man to accept any doctrine or principle that he did not fully understand: such a dogma could not be supported by sound reason. We could only be expected to accept any principle, because it was beautiful and true. We were not required to accept God or Jesus because they were God or Jesus, but because they presented teachings higher, holier, and more heavenly than any other beings. How could we tell that any principle came from God except it was that it was better to our intellect and judgment than other doctrine. Beyond this witness of the light of truth within us, we had nothing to fall back upon to guide us.
"'It had been argued that we must passively and uninquiringly obey the priesthood, because otherwise we could not build up Zion. He could not see this. A nation built up on such a principle could be no Zion. The only glory or beauty that there could be in a Zion must result from its being composed of people all of whom acted intelligently in all their operations. Fifty thousand people acting in concert, building up excellent cities or doing anything else well, but doing it mechanically, because they were told, was no sight to be admired. A dozen persons, not operating half as perfectly as to the nature of their work, but doing what little they did intelligently, must be a far more delightful exhibition to God and intelligences.
"'These were his views. If they constituted apostasy, the council must deal with him according to their laws. One thing, however, they could not do. They might cut him off from his brethren, but they should never cut his brethren off from his affections. He had been twenty years a member of this church, and he intended to live and die with them, and no one should ever drive him from their midst.
"'He knew and could bear testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He could bear testimony that Brigham Young was divinely called to succeed Joseph Smith in the presidency of the church, and he knew that the president was inspired to bring this people to these mountains.
"'He then read the following:-
"'To Whom It May Concern:-We the undersigned, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, temporarily suspended from fellowship, on a charge of irregular attendance at the "School of the Prophets," before any further action is taken on our case, do present the following declaration of our faith on the subject of church control:-
"'We hold that it is the right of all members of this church to refuse to accept any principle or measure, presented to them by the priesthood, further than the light of God within them bears witness to the same.
"'We believe that it is the right of all persons, so long as they obey the ordinances of the gospel, and live pure and moral lives, to retain a standing in this church, whether they can see the propriety of all the measures of the leaders of the church or not.
"'We also believe that it is the right of all members of the church to discuss, in the pulpit or through the press, in public or in private, all measures presented to them by the priesthood, provided that they do it in the spirit of moderation, with due regard to the sentiments of others.
"'We, therefore, hold that it is an illegal and an unrighteous use of the holy priesthood to expel any person from the church because they cannot conscientiously admit the divinity of any measure presented by the priesthood.
"'We protest against counsel for the members of the church to watch one another and observe how each votes or acts, as calculated to breed suspicion, coldness, and distrust between our brethren; and as opposed to that voluntary spirit which is the greatest beauty and glory of the gospel of Christ.
"'We also protest against the inquisitorial practice of catechising the members of this church, through the teachers, as to their private views respecting church measures.
"'And finally, we protest against the spirit of compulsion in every form, as well as against the irresponsible investment of power in any person holding the priesthood.
"'We claim the right of, respectfully but freely, discussing all measures upon which we are called to act. And, if we are cut off from this church for asserting this right, while our standing is dear to us, we will suffer it to be taken from us sooner than resign the liberties of thought and speech to which the gospel entitles us; and against any such expulsion we present our solemn protest before God and angels.
"'As witness our hands this 23d October, 1869.
"'W. S. GODBE.'
"'Speeches on the question were then made by Presidents Brigham Young and George A. Smith, also by Elder Cannon and members of the council, and a verdict of excommunication against W. S. Godbe and E. L T. Harrison finally rendered.
"'For replying in the affirmative to the question whether he sustained the above brethren in their course, Elder Eli B. Kelsey was summarily cut off from the church."'-The Saints' Herald, vol. 16, pp. 337-341.