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Old Testament Search Results

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-118   Next →
1.   Psalms 57
  • ...overpast. 2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me. 3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send...
  • Score: 0.87   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 4KB
2.   Psalms 43
  • ...; why dost thou cast me off; why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? 3 Oh send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy ...
  • Score: 0.81   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 2KB
3.   Amos 1
  • ... thereof; because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron; 4 But I will send a fire into the house of Hazael, which shall devour the palaces of Ben-hadad. 5 I will break also...
    ...; because they carried away captive the whole captivity, to deliver them up to Edom; 7 But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour the palaces thereof; 8 And I will cut off the ...
    ... up the whole captivity to Edom, and remembered not the brotherly covenant; 10 But I will send a fire on the wall of Tyrus, which shall devour the palaces thereof. 11 Thus saith the Lord ; For...
    ... off all pity, and his anger did tear perpetually, and he kept his wrath forever; 12 But I will send a fire upon Teman, which shall devour the palaces of Bozrah. 13 Thus saith the Lord ; For three ...
  • Score: 0.80   Matches: 4   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 7KB
4.   2nd Chronicles 2
  • ... sent to Huram the king of Tyre, saying, As thou didst deal with David my father, and didst send him cedars to build him a house to dwell therein, therefore, even so deal with me. 4 Behold, I ...
    ... him? who am I then, that I should build him a house, save only to burn sacrifice before him? 7 Send me now therefore a man cunning to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in ...
    ... the cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father did provide. 8 Send me also cedar trees, fir trees, and algum trees, out of Lebanon; for I know that thy servants ...
    ..., whom David my father did provide. 8 have skill to cut timber in Lebanon; and, behold, I will send my servants with thy servants, 9 Even to prepare me timber in abundance; for the house which I am...
    ...therefore the wheat, and the barley, the oil, and the wine, which my lord hath spoken of, let him send unto his servants: 16 And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need; and we ...
  • Score: 0.74   Matches: 5   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 8KB
5.   Ezekiel 2
  • ... set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me. 3 And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me; they and ...
    ... against me, even unto this very day. 4 For they are impudent children and stiff-hearted. I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God. 5 And they, whether they ...
  • Score: 0.71   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 4KB
6.   Psalms 110
  • ...at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Dan7:13-14 ; Heb12:2 2 The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion; rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people shall ...
  • Score: 0.67   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 4KB
7.   Psalms 20
  • ...1 The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee; 2 Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion; 3 Remember all thy offerings, and ...
  • Score: 0.66   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 4KB
8.   1st Samuel 6
  • ... and the diviners, saying, What shall we do to the ark of the Lord ? tell us wherewith we shall send it to his place. 3 And they said , If ye send away the ark of the God of Israel, send it not ...
    ...jewels of gold, which ye return him for a trespass offering, in a coffer by the side thereof; and send it away, that it may go. 9 And see, if it goeth up by the way of his own coast to Beth-shemesh, ...
  • Score: 0.52   Matches: 4   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 10KB
9.   Isaiah 6
  • ... away, and thy sin purged. 2Nep9:7 8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord , saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. 2Nep9:8 9 And he said , Go, and tell ...
  • Score: 0.52   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 10KB
10.   Malachi 4
  • ... unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Exo20:8 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord ; RCH pg13 6 ...
  • Score: 0.50   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 5KB
11.   Ezekiel 5
  • ... in thee in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes. I the Lord have spoken it. 16 When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send ...
    ... you; and I will increase the famine upon you, and will break your staff of bread; 17 So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee; and pestilence and blood shall pass...
  • Score: 0.46   Matches: 3   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 7KB
12.   Genesis 43
  • ... unto us, saying, Ye shall not see my face, except your brother be with you. 4 If thou wilt send our brother with us, we will go down and buy thee food; 5 But if thou wilt not send him, we will ...
    ... know that he would say, Bring your brother down? 8 And Judah said unto Israel his father, Send the lad with me, and we will arise and go; that we may live, and not die, both we, and thou, and ...
    ...and arise, go again unto the man; 14 And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send away your other brother, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children, I am bereaved. 15 And the...
  • Score: 0.43   Matches: 4   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 11KB
13.   1st Samuel 16
  • ..., seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite; for I have provided me a king among his sons. 2 And Samuel said...
    ...There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him; for we will not sit down till he come hither. 12 And he sent, and brought him in. ...
    ...comely person, and the Lord is with him. 19 Wherefore Saul sent messengers unto Jesse, and said , Send me David thy son, which is with the sheep. 20 And Jesse took an ass laden with bread, and a ...
  • Score: 0.43   Matches: 3   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 12KB
14.   Amos 2
  • ... the punishment thereof; because he burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime; 2 But I will send a fire upon Moab, and it shall devour the palaces of Kirioth; and Moab shall die with tumult, ...
    ..., and their lies caused them to err, after the which their fathers have walked; 5 But I will send a fire upon Judah, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem. 6 Thus saith the Lord ; For ...
  • Score: 0.43   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 6KB
15.   Ezekiel 14
  • ... will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it: 14 Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, ...
    ...shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves. 19 Or if I send a pestilence into that land, and pour out my fury upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and ...
    ... their own souls by their righteousness. 21 For thus saith the Lord God; How much more when I send my four sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and the ...
  • Score: 0.39   Matches: 3   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 9KB
16.   Exodus 23
  • ...house of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not seeth a kid in his mother's milk. Exo34:26 20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have ...
    ... cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land; the number of thy days I will fulfill. 27 I will send my fear before thee, and I will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come; and I will make ...
    ... thy days I will fulfill. 27 I will all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee. 28 And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from ...
  • Score: 0.35   Matches: 3   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 9KB
17.   Jeremiah 25
  • .... 8 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts; Because ye have not heard my words, 9 Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the Lord , and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, ...
    ... Israel unto me; Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it. 16 And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I...
    ... unto me; Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I will send among them. 17 Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all the nations to drink, unto ...
    ...Drink ye, and be drunken, and spew, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you. 28 And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink, then shalt ...
  • Score: 0.34   Matches: 4   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 14KB
18.   1st Samuel 20
  • ...about tomorrow any time, or the third day, and, behold, if there be good toward David, and I then send not unto thee, and show it thee; 13 The Lord do so and much more to Jonathan; but if it please my...
    ...if there be good toward David, and I then father to do thee evil, then I will show it thee, and send thee away, that thou mayest go in peace; and the Lord be with thee, as he hath been with my ...
    ...I will shoot three arrows on the side thereof, as though I shot at a mark. 21 And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are ...
    ... of Jesse liveth upon the ground, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die. 32 And Jonathan answered Saul his father, and ...
  • Score: 0.31   Matches: 4   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 17KB
19.   Psalms 144
  • ... smoke. 6 Cast forth lightning, and scatter them; shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them. 7 Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange ...
  • Score: 0.31   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 5KB
20.   Nehemiah 2
  • ...king, If it please the king, and if thy servant have found favor in thy sight, that thou wouldest send me unto Judah, unto the city of my fathers' sepulchers, that I may build it. 6 And the king said ...
    ... by him,) For how long shall thy journey be? and when wilt thou return? So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time. 7 Moreover I said unto the king, If it please the king, let letters be ...
  • Score: 0.29   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 8KB
21.   Hosea 8
  • ... forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities; but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof...
  • Score: 0.29   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 5KB
22.   Genesis 24
  • ... which spake unto me, and that swear unto me, saying, Unto thee will I give this land; 6 He shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence. 7 And if the woman ...
    ...master Abraham, I pray thee this day, that thou wouldst show kindness unto my master Abraham, and send me good speed. 13 Behold, I stand by the well of water, and the daughters of the men of the city ...
    ...Perhaps the woman will not follow me. 40 And he said unto me, The Lord , before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and he will prosper thy way; 41 And thou shalt take a wife for my son, of my...
    ...men that were with him, and tarried all night. 59 And they arose up in the morning, and he said , Send me away unto my master. 60 And her brother, and her mother, said , Let the damsel abide with us ...
    ... she shall go. 61 And he said unto them, Hinder me not, seeing the Lord hath prospered my way; send me away, that I may go unto my master. 62 And they said , We will call the damsel and inquire at ...
  • Score: 0.28   Matches: 5   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 26KB
23.   Nehemiah 8
  • ... words of the law. 10 Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy unto our lord ; neither be ...
    ...is holy; neither be ye grieved. 12 And all the people went their way to eat, and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great mirth, because they had understood the words that were declared unto ...
  • Score: 0.28   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 8KB
24.   Jeremiah 24
  • ... and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them. 10 And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land ...
  • Score: 0.28   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 6KB
25.   Jeremiah 42
  • ... between us, if we do not even according to all things for the which the Lord thy God shall send thee to us. 6 Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our ...
    ..., if we do not even according to all things for the which the Lord thy God shall God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the Lord our God. 7 And it came to ...
  • Score: 0.27   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Feb 25, 2024   File Size: 11KB
1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-118   Next →

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