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Book of Mormon Search Results

1.   2nd Nephi 3
  • ..., wilt thou not shut the gates of thy righteousness before me, that I may walk in the path of the low valley, that I may be strict in the plain road? 56 O Lord, wilt thou encircle me around in the ...
  • Score: 0.06   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Aug 28, 2022   File Size: 14KB
2.   2nd Nephi 8
  • ... one; yea, upon the proud and lofty, and upon every one who is lifted up; and he shall be brought low; [ Isa2:12 ] 29 Yea, and the day of the Lord shall come upon all the cedars of Lebanon, for they ...
    ...:16 ] 33 And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low; and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. [ Isa2:17 ] 34 And the idols he shall utterly ...
  • Score: 0.05   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Aug 28, 2022   File Size: 28KB
3.   1st Nephi 7
  • ... the devil, are they who need fear, and tremble, and quake; 52 They are those who must be brought low in the dust; 53 They are those who must be consumed as stubble: 54 And this is according to the ...
  • Score: 0.05   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Aug 28, 2022   File Size: 15KB
4.   2nd Nephi 11
  • ... a mount, and raised forts against them; Isa29:3 83 And after they shall have been brought down low in the dust, even that they are not, yet the words of the righteous shall be written, and the ...
    ... those who shall be destroyed shall speak unto them out of the ground, and their speech shall be low out of the dust, and their voice shall be as one that hath a familiar spirit; Isa29:4 85 For the ...
  • Score: 0.03   Matches: 2   Last Updated: Sep 2, 2023   File Size: 54KB
5.   Alma 15
  • ...it has brought to pass an awful scene of bloodshed; 47 And the bodies of many thousands are laid low in the earth, while the bodies of many thousands are mouldering in heaps upon the face of the ...
  • Score: 0.03   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Aug 28, 2022   File Size: 20KB
6.   Alma 10
  • ...and they went in unto the house unto Zeezrom; 93 And they found him upon his bed sick, being very low with a burning fever; and his mind also was exceeding sore, because of his iniquities; 94 And ...
  • Score: 0.02   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Aug 28, 2022   File Size: 27KB
7.   1st Nephi 5
  • ... of this time, to meet their God; 203 Yea, their grey hairs were about to be brought down to lie low in the dust; 204 Yea, even they were near to be cast, with sorrow, into a watery grave. 205 And ...
  • Score: 0.01   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Aug 28, 2022   File Size: 58KB
8.   Helaman 5
  • ... and beneath. 79 And behold there shall be great tempests, and there shall be many mountains laid low, like unto a valley, and there shall be many places, which are now called valleys, which shall ...
  • Score: 0.01   Matches: 1   Last Updated: Aug 28, 2022   File Size: 39KB

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